Join us for a panel discussion:
Model City: Collectively Shaping SF

The first in Shaping San Francisco’s fall season of Public Talks. Co-sponsored by Public Knowledge, which is a collaboration between San Francisco Public Library and SF MOMA. We’ll be speaking with Sofia Vivanco Airaghi, our collaborator on The Cultural Map of Southeast SF and Bik Van der Pol, artists in residence at the Headlands and SFMOMA/SFPL. Come see the enlarged version of the map with contributions from 3 of our 4 featured neighborhoods!

Wednesday, September 26
7:30-9:30 pm
Eric Quezada Cultural Center
518 Valencia St.
San Francisco, CA 94110

Check out the rest of Shaping SF’s offerings
and Public Knowledge‘s programming, including a focus on a 1939 diorama of San Francisco that is more than 40 square feet in size!