Trade with us! Send us something you make and we’ll send you the print(s) you want from the Portfolio below. What do you make? You can send us a drawing, painting, poem, story, song lyrics, recipe, hand drawn map or original joke, essay, or…?
Here’s how to do it:

  • Put your artwork, poem, story, song lyrics, recipe or joke in an envelope
  • Be sure to include the title of your work, your name and your address
  • Select the print below that you would like us to send you, write down the title and and artist
  • Put everything in an envelope, add a stamp and send it to:

Email us at: for the mailing address

We’ll mail you the print you select.

We prefer getting hard copies at our Post Office Box, but if necessary you can email us, also:

Once we collect trades, we’ll do a big project–maybe an exhibition or a book?

For Earring Thinking prints, click here

Southeast San Francisco Artists Portfolio:

The Southeast San Francisco Artists Portfolio is growing all the time. We commission new work or solicit the right to reproduce past work of artists who live or work in Southeast San Francisco. Artists in the Portfolio range in age from 20 to over 70 years old. Some grew up in the Southeast and some came more recently. Some are self-taught, some have college degrees, some are sharing their work for the first time.

Sizes: Prints are 8″ x 10,” 5″ x 7″ or 3″ x 3″ and some stickers.

Click on the Art to See More

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Globe with birds, animals and humans migrating and below a ring of barbed wire.
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Latino essential workers
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a pair of arms made of water drops against a black background
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More from Kate Connell—Earring Thinking
View toward the Bay from Southeast San Francisco
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Oval stickers with "Made in (blank) America" written on them
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What You Traded Us–Updated Regularly!

Slide show coming soon!!