Watch for Moving Art House this winter!

November 12, 2014

Moving Art House We’re planing a mobile cultural space with dynamic programming for southeast San Francisco. Beginning in winter, 2015, and running through winter, 2016, Moving Art House, Richard Talavera’s  Mexican Bus (a beautiful environment on its own) will shape-shift for a series of events in San Francisco’s Portola District. More than a dozen artists—musicians…

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Latinos in Architecture

September 23, 2014

Perspectivas 2014: The Meaning of Home and the Urban Fabric Oscar was invited to participate in the Latinos in Architecture (LiA) exhibition: Join LiA SF and the Architecture and the City festival for its first Perspectivas 2014 Exhibition: Alter Space Gallery Opening night party Saturday, September 6, 2014 7:00-10:00 pm 1158 Howard St. (between 7th and 8th Streets-blue building)…

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Alemany Island Panels Going Up!

January 19, 2014

Alemany Island Panels Going Up! 45 Families and 3 Classrooms Made it Happen Over the last two years, family and classroom groups in the Portola painted mural panels, each one an image from our Porto-Loteria game about the Portola District in San Francisco. A few weeks ago we put the first 30 panels up on…

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Arete Libro: La Frontera

June 1, 2013

Arete Libro: La Frontera LA FRONTERA Opening Friday, August 16, 2013 6:00-8:00 Velvet da Vinci 2015 Polk St. San Francisco, CA 94109 Exhibition runs August 14- September 15, 2013 For the exhibition, La Frontera, we made Arete Libro: La Frontera or Earring Book of the Border A book distributed across two earrings, a wearable index…

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Potrero Puzzler

June 1, 2013

Potrero Puzzler Art/Game to Check out from the Library Right now, the Potrero Hill District in San Francisco is the site of more construction than any other neighborhood in the city. We made the Potrero Puzzler so that friends, families, and especially neighbors could play, learn, and imagine the future of their neighborhood together. It comes in…

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Getting Ready for the 11th Havana Bienal!

April 15, 2012

Getting Ready for the 11th Havana Bienal! Book and Wheel Works is working on SANcafé SANcafé includes a communal pop up café, a Map/Book and a digital Library. We’re working on the artwork the for San Agustín Farm Map/Guide to Flavors and in Spanish: Mapa de Cultivos y Manual de Sabores de San Agustín for the…

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ArtPlace America post

September 30, 2011

ArtPlace America Post A post on Crossing the Street appears this month and next on the new ArtPlace website. Site for the new funding consortium ArtPlace America, projects that improve urban neighborhoods are featured. Link to: Artplace Neighborhood projects funded by the Creative Work Fund on ArtPlace

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Alemany Island Project Begins!

September 28, 2011

50 Households in the Portola are working on the Alemany Island Project now! The 3-part Alemany Island Project will be installed under the 280 Freeway across from the San Francisco Farmers Market on Alemany Boulevard.  To be unveiled in 2012, the project includes: a beautiful 50′ mural of a San Francisco Garter Snake and Mission…

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Artists’ Talk at the Portola Library

March 17, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011 Artists’ Talk at the Portola Library We’ll tell some of the neighborhood stories that led to Crossing the Street. If you haven’t seen the Crossing the Street handmade books about the Portola District, now’s your chance. Come get your free maps! You’ll have a chance to tell your stories, too. Raffle!…

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