Kate Connell and Oscar Melara (Book + Wheel) and Sofia Vivanco Airaghi collaborate on the participatory mapping project: The Cultural Map of Southeast San Francisco. Begun in 2017, it continues today and suggestions for sites are welcome. Together the 3 collaborators identify locations and incorporate suggestions from participants. Sofia is the cartographer and Oscar has done many of the graphics. Artists of Southeast SF listed in the map’s border participated in an exhibition that Kate co-curated at City College. The project builds on each of the collaborators’ past mapping projects. Connell and Melara created Portola Cognito, nine narrative maps that tell the story of Southeast SF. Vivanco Airaghi has worked as cartographer on the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project’s (Dis)location initiative. She is a dancer and also a curator and arts administrator at Youth Art Exchange, an important culture generating institution in Southeast San Francisco. Learn more on the map page.